Thursday, December 26, 2013

Four Things Your Pets Want This Holiday Season & Beyond!

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We are in the holiday home stretch and almost to the beginning of a New Year. But have we forgotten about our furry friends? Maybe you received a new pet for the holidays. Here are 4 things your pets want this holiday season:

Unconditional Love
Sure, it's easy to say or do, even as a human. But sometimes you just can't help but be angry when your entire loaf of bread has been devoured by counter surfers or there's an unwelcome present in the corner of the living room. Our pets don't know any other way except to love us humans unconditionally, and we should show them the same (even show it human to human!) A few rubs abd cuddles couldn't hurt, either.

A Safe Home
Chaos, loudness, and disorder are unappealing to any species especially our pets. Let's provide our furry (or non furry friends) a safe, quiet and comfortable home whether it's on the couch, the bed, the backyard or another form of housing. Be careful of holiday decorations, plants and wrappings.

A Satisfying Meal
And by satisfying, I don't mean a rib roast dinner with all the trimmings. Even though it sounds delicious for us humans, it can be overly rich for our pet family and can cause illness and perhaps even death. With all the scurrying around and hustle and bustle, don't forget to provide your pet a well balanced meal and fresh water. You might think your 10 year old fed your pets at 5:30 pm, but if they are pacing around the floor, chirping from their cage, or scratching at the pantry door, you better double check to see if they've received their nutrition. No one wants a repeat of the scene from A Christmas Story where the turkey is swiped from the kitchen, taken outside and devoured by a pack of hungry dogs!

When was the last time you had your tongue hanging out of your mouth in pure joy? Your pet just wants to cut loose sometime. I know other duties around work and family can sometimes take precedent but even a 20 minute interaction with your pet can bring an enormous amount of foolish silliness. You'll both feel better in the long run as well. Play with a toy, go for a walk or run free!
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Pets are an extension of ourselves and our families. They bring us an undeniable delight, peace and comfort. They also bring great pleasure and happiness. Let's give them the same. Happy Howlidays!

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