Monday, September 9, 2013

Back To School & I'm No Fool!

Yellow School Bus by Andrey Muretov on Fivehundredpx
As I mumble, "Back to School. Back to School. Don't want to be a fool...," my Challenges finally had enough and told me to shut up! Well, not literally but they were fed up with me playing that clip over and over from the movie Billy Madison on YouTube. My real favorite is the old Staples commercial from way back sung to The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Don't get me wrong. I love my Challenges but after a very, very long summer, I think we have both had enough of each other. Today was back to school day! I carefully drove them down to their school with the Star Wars theme blaring in the car. They were totally embarrassed. I am not sure the car came to a complete stop before they jumped out and ran down the stairs to their class line-up.

Anyway, the morning was smooth but before I knew it, I was driving back to the school to pick up Little Challenge. Big Challenge actually had a full day. Both Challenges said they had "The best day. Ever." Some parents were teary eyed as their youngsters moved on to the next grade. It was a matter of relief for me. I felt we had a great summer and pretty much done everything we could. I think they were ready to go and see some of their friends they otherwise hadn't seen since school ended and a few that they lost touch.

By the time the day ended and dinner was on the table, we were able to share the events of the day and they were still filled with enthusiasm. How long that will last will remain to be seen? After-all, it's only 176 days until school gets out and it starts allover again.

They say time flies. Well, just look at your kids.

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